How did industrialization affect children, women, and families in the gilded age? explain your answer in at least three sentences

how did industrialization affect children, women, and families in the gilded age? explain your answer in at least three sentences.

how did industrialization affect children, women, and families in the gilded age? explain your answer in at least three sentences.

Answer: During the Gilded Age, industrialization had significant impacts on children, women, and families. Children were often employed in factories and mines, facing hazardous working conditions and long hours, which adversely affected their health and education. Women entered the workforce in larger numbers, especially in textile mills, but faced lower wages and poor working conditions.

Families faced the challenge of balancing work and home life, as long working hours strained family bonds and limited time spent together. Overall, industrialization reshaped traditional family dynamics, subjected children and women to harsh labor conditions, and posed new challenges for family well-being during this era.