Which of the following terrestrial biomes has the highest primary productivity per unit area?

which of the following terrestrial biomes has the highest primary productivity per unit area?

which of the following terrestrial biomes has the highest primary productivity per unit area?

Answer: Among terrestrial biomes, tropical rainforests typically have the highest primary productivity per unit area.

Tropical rainforests are characterized by their warm temperatures, high levels of rainfall, and lush vegetation. These conditions provide an ideal environment for plant growth, and as a result, rainforests support an incredible diversity of plant species. The rapid growth of plants, including tall trees, vines, and understorey vegetation, leads to a high rate of photosynthesis and biomass production.

The combination of ample sunlight, warmth, and moisture year-round allows plants in tropical rainforests to continuously produce energy through photosynthesis. Consequently, they have some of the highest primary productivity rates of any terrestrial biome. This high primary productivity supports a wide variety of animal species and contributes to the overall biodiversity of the rainforest.

It’s important to note that while tropical rainforests have the highest primary productivity per unit area, other terrestrial biomes, such as temperate forests and grasslands, also have significant primary productivity but may vary depending on factors like climate, soil quality, and vegetation types.