What is 2.1¯ written as a mixed number?

what is 2.1¯ written as a mixed number?

what is 2.1¯ written as a mixed number?

Answer: The repeating decimal 2.1¯ can be written as a mixed number as follows:

  1. First, let x = 2.1¯

  2. To remove the repeating decimal, subtract x from 10x:

    10x - x = 21.0¯ - 2.1¯ = 18

  3. Now, divide both sides of the equation by 9 to isolate x:

    (10x - x)/9 = 18/9

    9x/9 = 2

  4. Simplify:

    x = 2

So, 2.1¯ written as a mixed number is simply 2.