Why did the portuguese think that they could find an easier way to reach asia?

why did the portuguese think that they could find an easier way to reach asia?

why did the portuguese think that they could find an easier way to reach asia?

Answer: The Portuguese believed they could find an easier way to reach Asia due to several factors:

  1. Desire for Direct Access to Asian Goods: In the late 15th century, Europe had a strong demand for the valuable goods of Asia, such as spices, silk, and precious metals. These goods were highly sought after, and the existing trade routes were controlled by middlemen, which made these products extremely expensive by the time they reached Europe. The Portuguese wanted to establish direct trade routes with Asia to bypass these intermediaries and obtain these goods more affordably.

  2. Advancements in Navigation: The Portuguese were pioneers in developing new navigation techniques and technology. They improved their ships, making them more seaworthy, and developed better navigational instruments, such as the astrolabe and quadrant. These advancements allowed them to venture further into unknown waters with greater confidence.

  3. Prince Henry the Navigator: Prince Henry of Portugal, also known as Henry the Navigator, played a crucial role in promoting exploration and navigation. He established a school for navigators and sponsored many expeditions along the African coast, seeking a sea route to Asia. His efforts laid the groundwork for subsequent Portuguese explorations.

  4. Experience along the African Coast: Portuguese sailors gradually explored the West African coast during the 15th century, making significant progress down the African coastline. This experience gave them the confidence to continue southward and eventually find a way around Africa to reach Asia.

  5. Competition with Other European Powers: Portugal was in competition with other European powers, particularly Spain. Christopher Columbus’s voyages in the late 15th century were sponsored by Spain, and there was a race among European nations to find new trade routes to Asia. This competitive atmosphere motivated the Portuguese to explore alternative routes to Asia.

Ultimately, these factors combined to drive the Portuguese in their quest for an easier way to reach Asia, leading to the Age of Exploration and the discovery of sea routes to Asia, Africa, and the Americas.