The volume of a cuboidal room is 80 m³. the area of the floor is 20 m². find the height of the room

the volume of a cuboidal room is 80 m³. the area of the floor is 20 m². find the height of the room.

the volume of a cuboidal room is 80 m³. the area of the floor is 20 m². find the height of the room.

Answer: To find the height of the cuboidal room, you can use the formula for volume of a rectangular prism (cuboid):

\text{Volume} = \text{Length} \times \text{Width} \times \text{Height}

Given that the volume is 80 m³ and the area of the floor is 20 m², we have:

80 = 20 \times \text{Height}

Solving for the height (\text{Height}):

\text{Height} = \frac{80}{20}=4

Without knowing the value of the width (\text{Width}), I can’t provide a specific numerical answer, but you can plug in the value of the width to find the height of the room.

The correct answer: 4

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