Students want to determine the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing. they plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of a river that flows through their town. the town is built

students want to determine the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing. they plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of a river that flows through their town. the town is built in a heavily forested area, but a large area of trees along the river was recently clear-cut to allow for the construction of a new housing development, which has caused exposed soil to wash into the river. the river flows north to south through the town and is still forested both up- and downstream of the town.

students want to determine the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing. they plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of a river that flows through their town. the town is built in a heavily forested area, but a large area of trees along the river was recently clear-cut to allow for the construction of a new housing development, which has caused exposed soil to wash into the river. the river flows north to south through the town and is still forested both up- and downstream of the town.

Answer: The students’ plan to measure the density of a species of algae growing along the bottom of the river is a practical approach to assessing the impact of soil erosion from the development of new housing in their town. Here’s how they can proceed:

  1. Select Sampling Locations: The students should choose specific sampling locations within the river to collect algae samples. To assess the impact of soil erosion from the housing development, they should select sites both upstream and downstream of the construction area. This will allow them to compare the conditions in these two areas.

  2. Baseline Data: Before the construction of the new housing development, the students should collect baseline data on algae density at these selected locations. This will serve as a reference point for future comparisons.

  3. Post-Development Data: After the construction of the housing development and the associated soil erosion, the students should return to the same sampling locations and collect new data on algae density. They should record any changes they observe.

  4. Analysis: The students can analyze the data to determine if there has been a significant change in algae density downstream of the housing development compared to upstream. A decrease in algae density may indicate the impact of soil erosion, as sediments carried by runoff can negatively affect aquatic ecosystems.

  5. Consider Other Factors: It’s important for the students to consider other factors that might influence algae density, such as water quality, temperature, and sunlight. They should collect data on these factors as well to account for potential confounding variables.

  6. Report Findings: Once the data analysis is complete, the students can report their findings. If they observe a significant decrease in algae density downstream of the housing development, it suggests that soil erosion from the development has had an impact on the river ecosystem.

This project can provide valuable insights into the environmental impact of the housing development and help raise awareness about the importance of sustainable construction practices and erosion control measures.