Which of these is not found in the karyotype of a normal human male?

Which of these is not found in the karyotype of a normal human male? 92 DNA molecules ,46 chromatids X and Y chromosomes , 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes , 46 chromosomes

**Which of these is not found in the karyotype of a normal human male? **

Answer: The correct statement is:

92 DNA molecules.

In a karyotype of a normal human male, you would typically find:

  • 46 chromosomes (including 44 autosomes and 2 sex chromosomes, X and Y).
  • 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes (one chromosome from each parent). This accounts for the 46 chromosomes.
  • Each chromosome consists of a single DNA molecule.

Chromatids are the duplicated copies of a single chromosome that are joined at the centromere during cell division (specifically, in preparation for mitosis or meiosis). In a karyotype, you would usually see individual chromosomes, not chromatids. So, the statement “46 chromatids” is not accurate in the context of a karyotype.

The statement “92 DNA molecules” is also not accurate because the number of DNA molecules in a human karyotype is the same as the number of chromosomes, which is 46. Each chromosome consists of a single DNA molecule.