What, according to e. m. forster, is to be found in disproportionate quantities in novels?

what, according to e. m. forster, is to be found in disproportionate quantities in novels?

what, according to e. m. forster, is to be found in disproportionate quantities in novels?

Answer: According to E.M. Forster, social life is found in disproportionate quantities in novels. He believed that novels tend to emphasize and magnify the social interactions, relationships, and dynamics of characters more than they occur in real life, providing a clearer view of societal structures and human behaviors.

E.M. Forster was a British novelist, essayist, and critic known for his insightful observations on literature and society. In his essay “Aspects of the Novel,” Forster discussed various elements and characteristics of novels. One of his notable points was that novels tend to focus on the social aspects of life, often presenting them in a more concentrated and pronounced manner than they might appear in reality.

Forster argued that novels have the unique ability to highlight the interplay of characters within a social context. He believed that novels could delve into characters’ thoughts, emotions, and motivations, allowing readers to understand the intricacies of human relationships and societal norms in a way that might not be apparent in the external world.

In the essay, Forster also discussed the concept of “round” characters versus “flat” characters. Round characters are more complex and developed, while flat characters are simpler and less fleshed out. He believed that novels often create a balance between these two types of characters to represent a broader range of human experiences and personalities.

Overall, Forster’s exploration of social life being found in disproportionate quantities in novels underscores his belief in the power of fiction to illuminate the human condition within the context of society.