The marked price of a laptop is rs. 48750. if the shopkeeper gives two successive discount 10% and x% and sell it in rs. 40365. find out the value of x?

the marked price of a laptop is rs. 48750. if the shopkeeper gives two successive discount 10% and x% and sell it in rs. 40365. find out the value of x?

the marked price of a laptop is rs. 48750. if the shopkeeper gives two successive discount 10% and x% and sell it in rs. 40365. find out the value of x?

Answer: Let’s solve this problem step by step. We have the marked price (original price) of the laptop as Rs. 48,750, and the laptop is sold for Rs. 40,365 after two successive discounts of 10% and x%.

Discount 1: 10%
Discount 2: x%

To find the final selling price after both discounts, we can calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Calculate the selling price after the first discount (10%).
First Discount = (10/100) * 48,750 = Rs. 4,875
After the first discount, the laptop is sold for Rs. 48,750 - Rs. 4,875 = Rs. 43,875.

Now, we need to calculate the second discount (x%) on this new selling price.

Step 2: Calculate the selling price after the second discount (x%).
Let the selling price after the second discount be S.

S = (100% - x%) * 43,875
S = [(100 - x)/100] * 43,875

Now, we know that the final selling price is Rs. 40,365, so we can set up an equation:

S = 40,365

[(100 - x)/100] * 43,875 = 40,365

Now, solve for x:

(100 - x)/100 = 40,365 / 43,875

(100 - x)/100 = 0.9209

Now, cross-multiply:

100 - x = 0.9209 * 100

100 - x = 92.09

Now, isolate x:

x = 100 - 92.09
x ≈ 7.91

So, the value of x is approximately 7.91%.

Therefore, the second successive discount (x%) is approximately 7.91%.