Which key must be pressed in addition to clicking on a hyperlink for it to be followed?

which key must be pressed in addition to clicking on a hyperlink for it to be followed?

which key must be pressed in addition to clicking on a hyperlink for it to be followed?

Answer: To follow a hyperlink, you need to press a specific key in addition to clicking on it. The key you must press to follow a hyperlink is the “Control” key (Ctrl) on your keyboard. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Hover your mouse pointer over the hyperlink you want to follow.

  2. While hovering, press and hold the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard.

  3. With the “Ctrl” key held down, click on the hyperlink using your mouse.

This action will open the linked webpage or resource. Pressing the “Ctrl” key along with clicking the hyperlink is a common practice to ensure that the link is followed. This key combination is used in various applications and web browsers to activate hyperlinks.